
On Election Day, an encouraging report about moves away from prison gerrymandering

"Sentencing Guidelines Abstention"

Some notable dissents and a statement together with SCOTUS criminal justice cert denials

Will "outcry" over ugly details of latest Oklahoma execution impact its plans to have six more in coming months?

"Bloody Lucre: Carceral Labor and Prison Profit"

USSC releases "new" guideline manual as Acting Chair describes recent Commission activities

"Federal Offenders Who Served in the Armed Forces"

BJS releases "Federal Justice Statistics, 2019" with immigration and drugs dominating federal dockets

Is it foolish to hope, after now 35 years, that Congress will soon fix the crack-powder federal sentencing disparity?

"Pathways to Success on Probation: Lessons Learned from the First Phase of the Reducing Revocations Challenge"

More executions postponed in Texas as SCOTUS considers religious liberty in death chamber

"How to be a Better Plea Bargainer"