
"Focused Deterrence Strategies and Crime Control"

Spotlighting prisoners still stuck in federal prison because of absence of retroactive application of Fair Sentencing Act

"Top Trends in State Criminal Justice Reform, 2017"

Mass molester Larry Nassar in state court for his third and final sentencing

Prez Trump, in his first State of the Union address, mentions "reforming our prisons" and need to "get much tougher on drug dealers"

Texas carries out its second execution of 2018

A SCOTUS amicus opportunity to reiterate some of my views on sentence finality

"Expansion of the Federal Safety Valve for Mandatory Minimum Sentences"

Is Prez Trump really going to talk about criminal justice and prison reform in his first State of the Union address?

Two notable new reports urging big reductions in population on probation and parole

Mapping out what Beckles left unresolved: Johnson's uncertain impact on the once-mandatory career-offender guideline

"The Effects of Pretrial Detention on Conviction, Future Crime, and Employment: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Judges"

Lots of interesting piece in inaugural volume of Annual Review of Criminology

Noticing that ALEC is now joining growing calls for reforming drug-free zone laws

"Montgomery Momentum: Two Years of Progress since Montgomery v. Louisiana"

SCOTUS (surprisingly?) stays scheduled Alabama execution seemingly based on petition challenging now-changed judicial override

New poll suggests strong bipartisan support for criminal justice reforms

Still more notable commentary on judicial conduct in sentencing of mass molestor

Might some members of SCOTUS want to take up juve sentencing case to limit reach of Graham and Miller?

"How IQ Tests Are Perverted to Justify the Death Penalty"

Encouraging new report on prospects for prison reform legislation emerging from Congress

Highlighting comments, commentary and consequences from state sentencing of mass molester Larry Nassar

Notable new initiative, Safe Streets & Second Chances, taking "evidence-driven approach to the chronic issues of recidivism"

"Who Killed Habeas Corpus?"

Child molester/gymnastics coach Larry Nassar gets (only?!?) 40 to 175 years as state prison sentence for mass molestation

New FBI crime data on first half of 2017 show encouraging declines in all areas except murder and car thefts

Lots of notable arrest data in Drug Policy Alliance report on marijuana legalization states