
Former Illinois Gov Rod Blagojevich makes "plea for prison reform"

Noting some worrisome trends in latest official FBI crime data

"Incapacitating Criminal Corporations"

Dare I create an open thread for comments on a (sure-to-be-historic) day of overload?

"'You Miss So Much When You’re Gone': The Lasting Harm of Jailing Mothers Before Trial in Oklahoma"

Interesting look at data collection and use in prosecutorial decision-making

"Will Florida’s Ex-Felons Finally Regain the Right to Vote?"

Texas with back-to-back executions scheduled for this week

Another effective preview of coming SCOTUS review of SORNA delegation in Gundy

New Pew issue brief reviews probation and parole in the US

Bill Cosby gets 3 to 10 years of state imprisonment with no bail pending appeal

"Safe Injection Sites and the Federal 'Crack House' Statute"

The latest controversy over a lenient sentence involving sexual assault comes from Alaska

"Extending 'Dignity Takings': Re-Conceptualizing the Damage Caused by Criminal History and Ex-Offender Status

Details on not yet complete sentencing of Bill Cosby

US Sentencing Commission releases new report on application of mandatory minimum penalties specific to federal identity theft offenses

Official FBI crime data for 2017 reports violent and property crime in decline in United States

Two exciting DEPC events this coming week

"Freedom Now or a Future Later: Pitting the Lasting Implications of Collateral Consequences Against Pretrial Detention in Decisions to Plead Guilty"

Why is the Sessions' DOJ now taking death penalty off the table for Donald Fell after so much cost and agony for victims?

So much great content and commentary at "The Appeal"

Spotlighting ever-increasing overdose casualties amidst the last four decades of the war on drugs

"Will Bill Cosby’s Trip From America’s Dad to Sex Offender End in Prison?"

Brennan Center reports on encouraging 2018 crime data based on preliminary data from largest 30 US cities