
"Searching for A Kardashian: Kim helped get clemency for Alice Johnson, who will help me?"

Federal judge rules ADA requires Maine jail to provide woman with access to medication-assisted treatment during her 40-day term

Student SCOTUS preview part three: mapping out likely votes after oral argument in US v. Haymond

Encouraging developments in remarkable federal case that threatened old prison term after obvious rehabilitation

New reform reports from Florida and Ohio with broader ideas and lessons

Notable judicial hand-wringing from California Supreme Court justices about "expensive and dysfunctional [capital] system that does not deliver justice or closure"

"The Captive Lab Rat: Human Medical Experimentation in the Carceral State"

SCOTUS stays Texas execution because condemned was denied Buddhist spiritual advisor in execution chamber

"Decarcerating America: The Opportunistic Overlap Between Theory and (Mainly State) Sentencing Practise as a Pathway to Meaningful Reform"

Might White House provide "impact data" on FIRST STEP Act as Prez Trump celebrates the law next week?

After state jury recommended 419 years plus life, feds allow Charlottesville killer to plead guilty to take capital charge off table

"Regulating Mass Prosecution"

Noticing Gov Newsom's not-so-progressive approach to parole so far

Suffolk County DA produces remarkable new prosecutorial polices memo

Spotlighting what the California AG could do to really change capital course in California

"The Effects of Voluntary and Presumptive Sentencing Guidelines"

"Theories of Prosecution"

Another useful reminder of the need for more criminal justice diversity on the federal bench

Eager for input on what to cover in webinar on "The First Step Act and Other Federal Sentencing Developments"

Interesting new TRAC data on intra-courthouse judge-to-judge differences in sentences

"What Is Relational Justice?"