
"The Singularity and the Familiarity of Solitary Confinement"

Struggling with an execution protocol, Ohio Gov DeWine delays execution scheduled for Sept 2019 to May 2020

Two more open access articles from FSR issue on "The Tyranny of the Trial Penalty"

"Federal Criminal Risk Assessment"

The long legacy of drug wars: Eighth Circuit panel affirms LWOP sentence for drug dealer as reasonable

Ohio Gov DeWine now reportedly prepared to move forward with executions he delayed ... even without new lethal-injection protocol

A (depressing) first term commutation scorecard for recent US Presidents

Rounding up capital commentary in response to AG Barr's effort to restart the federal machinery of death

"Public Perceptions of Plea Bargaining"

Prez Trump gets back to using his clemency pen with two commutations and five pardons

Split Michigan Supreme Court finds due process precludes use of acquitted conduct at sentencing

"The Effect of Public Health Insurance on Criminal Recidivism"

Will criminal justice reform take on a bigger role in round two of the 2020 Democratic Prez candidate debates?

"The Agony & the Ecstasy of #MeToo: The Hidden Costs of Reliance on Carceral Politics"

"After the First Step Act, we all have a role to play to build a society of second chances"

One last reminder of two recent paper calls on SCOTUS and on the CSA

Is "comprehensive data" necessary and sufficient to "guide good policymaking" in the criminal justice system?

Previewing the (swift? endless?) litigation sure to ensue in wake of effort to restart the federal machinery of death

"Retributivist Reform of Collateral Consequences"

Federal prison population, thanks in part to the FIRST STEP Act, hits lowest level in over 15 years

An effective critical review of some Prez candidates' new criminal justice reform plans

"Federal Government to Resume Capital Punishment After Nearly Two Decade Lapse"

Bernie Madoff seeks from Prez Trump a commutation of his 150-year federal prison sentence for massive Ponzi scheme

Eleventh Circuit panel finds federal prisoner can file a second or successive § 2255 based on SCOTUS Davis ruling