
California working toward accelerating release dates for 3,500 inmates who were to to be released in next two months

Another day, another round of discouraging COVID news from jails and prisons around the US

"Returning Citizens Should Get Checks Too"

Polls showing considerable public support for decarceration in response to COVID-19 crisis

House Judiciary Chair Nadler and Subcommittee Chair Bass send letter to Attorney General Barr urging him to protect the most vulnerable federal prisoners and staff from COVID

Ugly details on COVID realities in federal prison in Louisiana as Bureau of Prisons slowly updates system-wide spread

Justice Sotomayor gets in (last) shot complaining about the Supreme Court's unwillingness to take up challenges to old (vague?) guidelines

Dispiriting review of more COVID news from jails and prisons around the US

How about offering "diploma privilege" law degrees for current 3Ls who help practicing lawyers with compassionate release and clemency petitions?

Rounding up some tales of crime amidst COVID lockdowns

"Five ways the criminal justice system could slow the pandemic"

Just a few governors starting to (barely) address looming prison and jail COVID crisis

Hundreds of former DOJ officials and federal judges urge Prez Trump to commute sentences and create emergency advisory group to respond to COVID-19 challenges

Federal inmates and staff all around the nation now testing positive for coronavirus

"Four Things Every Prison System Must Do Today"

Assembling some COVID criminal justice resource pages

Guest post/question: "Will home confinement become a more (or less) attractive alternative to incarceration?"

Colorado Gov issues big executive order to address the impact of coronavirus on criminal justice administration

Will thousands of federal prisoners be eligible for home confinement under AG Barr's new guidelines?

"Correctional Facilities In The Shadow Of COVID-19: Unique Challenges And Proposed Solutions"

"U.S. attorney general seeks to expand home confinement as coronavirus spreads in prisons"

FAMM urges AG Barr to use new pending CARES Act provision to move federal prisoners into home confinement

Documenting early federal court COVID jurisprudence in response to various release requests from federal defendants and inmates

"You’re going to see devastation that’s unbelievable" says former director of Colorado Department of Corrections

Headlines and news stories from jails and prisons in every part of the United States

""Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020"