
"Rural Spaces, Communities of Color, and the 'Progressive' Prosecutor"

Persistent prison problems as COVID-19 continues to course through carceral environments

"Judicial Authority under the First Step Act What Congress Conferred through Section 404"

Is it a death penalty success or failure when worst-of-the-worst plead guilty to avoid capital trial?

"The Limits of Fairer Fines: Lessons from Germany"

SCOTUS denies, by 7-2 vote, cert petition from federal death row defendants challenging federal execution protocol

Sixth Circuit panel rejects Romell Broom's constitutional arguments that Ohio cannot try again to execute him after botched first attempt

"Sentencing Rape A Comparative Analysis"

"Sentencing Disparities and the Dangerous Perpetuation of Racial Bias"

Is Prez Trump trying to convince himself to have the guts to pardon Roger Stone?

"How to have less crime with less punishment"

"COVID-19 and Homicide: Final Report to Arnold Ventures"

More great new Politico Magazine coverage now on "Justice Reform: Prison Conditions"

Time for another long list of (mostly COVID-influenced) federal sentence reductions using § 3582(c)(1)(A)

"Failing Grades: States’ Responses to COVID-19 in Jails & Prisons"

Federal prison population, per BOP accounting of "Total Federal Inmates," drops down to 161,640

Making the case against LWOP, the bigger and badder death penalty

Latest (and free) Federal Sentencing Reporter issue on "Creating a Crisis: Growing Old in Prison"

FINAL REMINDER of exciting DEPC and OJPC sentencing project: "Drafting Contest: An Ohio 'Second Look' Statute"

"Crisis and Coercive Pleas"

Roger Stone's past sentencing and coming prison time making headlines

Senators Durbin and Grassley introduce new bill to make modest, but still important, reforms to federal elderly home release and compassionate release

An NYC window into COVID's disruption of the administration of criminal justice