Dare I create an open thread for comments on a (sure-to-be-historic) day of overload?

I am likely not to have any time for blogging over the next couple of days because of this exciting event taking place in my building that my Drug Enforcement and Policy Center is helping to host:

"From Punishment to Public Health: Embracing Evidence-Based Solutions to End the Overdose Crisis" (September 27-28 in Columbus, OH):  This conference aims to explore the impact of criminal justice laws and policies in compounding drug use harms, including overdose deaths, and offer an alternative framework for addressing problematic drug use and drug-related fatalities that is rooted in evidence, compassion, and the principles of harm reduction. More details about and registration for this event are available here and here.

Fortunately nothing else significant is happening in the legal world today (joking, of course). 

I presume I will get (too many) news alerts on my phone about anything consequential that happens during the latest round of Kavanaugh hearings or during the planned meeting between Prez Trump and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein.  But, at the risk of creating an extra place for people to say silly things on the internet, I figured it might make sense to create an open thread here for any thoughtful comments on any of the day's sure-to-be-historic events. 

I have not blogged much about the SCOTUS confirmation mess because the story is a bit off-topic and covered aplenty elsewhere.  But perhaps sentencing fans and readers have (respectful) "hot takes" on what we have seen so far or concerning what is in store int he coming hours and days.  If so, feel free to share.

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