Though there are other cases to be argued earlier in the coming Supreme Court Term that are sure to be of interest to sentencing fans, I suspect more than a few folks in the white-collar bar are especially excited for Kelly v. United States, a high-profile political fraud case on the SCOTUS docket this Term. I know the great folks at SCOTUSblog are focused on this case, as they put together an online symposium this week with a lot of leading white-collar crime voices. Here are the links, with all recommended reading:
- Amy Howe, “Bridgegate” scandal comes to the court (corrected)
- Randall Eliason, Criminal remedies for political misconduct
- Frank Bowman, Kelly v. United States: There is no political exception to fraud
- Ellen Podgor, Corruption is not a crime
- Jennifer Ahearn and Noah Bookbinder, “Paralyzing gridlock” in criminal public-corruption law
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