Catching up on lots more new sentencing and punishment scholarship

In this post two weeks ago I spotlighted more than a dozen new pieces of sentencing and punishment scholarship that had been posted to SSRN and that I did not find time to highlight in separate posts while consumed with COVID criminal justice issues. A few weeks later, I am still consumed with other matters and there are still more new pieces worth noting. So, I will again seek to catch up for lost time with another lengthy post linking to a lot of new scholarship from SSRN (listed here in alphabetical order by title):

Atwater and the Misdemeanor Carceral State by Alexandra Natapoff

The Constitutionalization of Parole: Fulfilling the Promise of Meaningful Review by Alexandra Harrington

Eighth Amendment Presumptive Penumbras by William W. Berry

Lady Justice Without Her Blindfold: An Analysis on How Race Influences Sentencing by Adefisayo Adegoye

Legislating for Profit and Optimal Eighth Amendment Review by Murat C. Mungan and Thomas J. Miceli

Populist Prosecutorial Nullification by Kerrel Murray

Pretrial Detention in the Time of COVID-19 by Jenny E. Carroll

The Prisoner and the Polity by Avlana Eisenberg

Race Decriminalization and Criminal Legal System Reform by Michael Pinard

State Prosecutors at the Center of Mass Imprisonment and Criminal Justice Reform by Nora V. Demleitner

The Unusual Cruelty of Nursing Homes Behind Bars by Rachel Lopez 

Victims, Right? by Anna Roberts

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