"Sentencing Disparities and the Dangerous Perpetuation of Racial Bias"

The title of this post is the title of this new paper authored by Jelani Jefferson Exum now available via SSRN.  Here is its abstract:

This Article addresses the role that racial disparities — specifically sentencing disparities — play in perpetuating the racial bias that increases the daily danger of living as a Black American in the United States.  As documented in the news and by often humorous internet memes, White people have called the police many times to report Black people who were simply living as any other American.  This trend highlights the manner in which the U.S. criminal justice system’s racial inequities feed into biased beliefs about Black criminality.  This Article argues that instead of tackling implicit bias as a means to fight sentencing and other criminal justice bias, we must actively correct and eliminate the disparities head-on.

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