Lamenting that the "law descends into a ghoulish inferno" as it contemplates the execution of a condemned Alabama murderer

LawProf Bernard Harcourt has this lengthy new op-ed in the New York Times under the headline "The Ghoulish Pursuit of Executing a Terminally Ill Inmate."  Both the substance and style of the commentary is compelling, and here are excerpts:

When judges schedule a lethal injection for a terminally ill prisoner whose struggle against lymphatic cancer and extensive medical history has left him without any easily accessible veins, our law descends into a ghoulish inferno.  It is a dreadful place where our most august jurists ruminate over catheter gauges and needle sizes, and ponder whether to slice deep into the groin or puncture internal jugular veins. History will not judge us favorably.

Last week, only a few hours after the stunning electoral victory of a Democratic candidate in the Alabama senatorial race, the justices of the Alabama Supreme Court signed a death warrant in the case of a 60-year-old man who has been languishing on death row for 30 years and fighting cranial cancer since 2014.

I had barely managed to absorb the news from Alabama’s election when I got the call at noon the next day. I recognized the Alabama area code but thought it was a reporter seeking a comment on the election.  Instead, a clerk from the Alabama Supreme Court dryly notified me that the justices had just set an execution date for my longtime client, Doyle Lee Hamm.

Mr. Hamm has been on Alabama’s death row since 1987, after being convicted of murdering a motel clerk, Patrick Cunningham, during a robbery.  For over three years now, he has been battling a fierce lymphatic and cranial cancer.  In February 2014, Mr. Hamm was found to have a large malignant tumor behind his left eye, filling the socket where the nerves from his brain went into his eye.  The doctors found B-cell lymphoma, a type of blood cancer of the lymph nodes, with a large mass protruding through the holes of his skull. They also discovered “numerous abnormal lymph nodes” in the abdomen, lungs and chest....

His medical treatment and history has left him without any usable peripheral veins.  Back in late September, an anesthesiologist from Columbia University Medical Center, Dr. Mark Heath, conducted an extensive physical examination to determine whether there were any veins suitable to deliver a lethal injection.  Dr. Heath found no usable veins. He also found that Mr. Doyle’s lymphatic cancer was likely to interfere with any attempt to utilize his central veins.  In Dr. Heath’s expert opinion, “the state is not equipped to achieve venous access in Mr. Hamm’s case.”

Yet, without even addressing the risks associated with attempting venous access for a man who will be 61 years old with no usable veins in his arms or legs, the justices of the Alabama Supreme Court set an execution date.  Some other judges — perhaps on the federal bench — now will have to deal with the bloody mess.  And a bloody mess it would be.

Those other judges will have to pore over medical reports and sonograms — as a federal judge did in the case of David Nelson, another Alabama death row inmate, in 2006, before he died of cancer — to decide whether they can insert an 18-gauge catheter into Mr. Hamm’s femoral vein in his groin, or scalpel him open to find a subclavian vein, or poke around his neck to find his internal jugular vein; whether the thickness of the catheter would preclude pricking a vein in his hand where a butterfly needle can no longer enter; and how to navigate around malignant lymph nodes while trying to achieve percutaneous access to his central veins....

This is justice today. Court opinions filled with ghastly details about how we prick and poke, and slice and cut, and poison other human beings. Opinions that, someday soon, we will look back on with embarrassment and horror.  Our justice is so engrossed with how we kill that it does not even stop to question the humanity of executing a frail, terminally ill prisoner.

In Doyle Hamm’s case, the lack of peripheral veins and lymphatic inflammations create the unconstitutional risk of a cruel and unnecessarily painful execution.  But the constitutional violation is only half of it.  It is justice itself that is in peril.

You may recall the machine that Franz Kafka brilliantly described in the haunting pages of “The Penal Colony.” That machine tattooed the penal sentence on the condemned man’s body, over hours and hours, before sucking the life out of him.  Our machinery of death today makes Kafka’s imaginative machine seem almost quaint.  Ours not only tattoos the condemned man’s body with needles and scalpels but also irremediably taints our justice for years to come.

Stories like these continue to reinforce my belief that states seriously interested in continuing with the death penalty ought to be seriously involved in exploring execution alternatives to lethal injection.

Meanwhile for more background on this particular lawyer's work to prevent his client from being executed, one should check out this New Yorker post  headlined, "The Decades-Long Defense of an Alabama Death-Row Prisoner Enters a Final Phase."

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