I have been doing this blog for a very long time, and for many years it seemed like there were not very many pieces about prisons and prisoners given that the US has long be the world's leader in incarceration populations. But as interest has increased in criminal justice reform, so too has interest in giving ink to this world. Consequently, amidst busy weeks, I have to cover a lot of notable stories with a round-up link this:
From The Hill, "Access to higher ed for incarcerated students is essential to criminal justice reform"
From The New Republic, "Appalachia vs. the Carceral State: After a mountaintop was flattened by coal mining, politicians pushed to build a prison there. Then the community got organized."
From The New Yorker, "Prepping for Parole: A group of volunteers is helping incarcerated people negotiate a system that is all but broken."
From Reason, "West Virginia Inmates Will Be Charged by the Minute to Read E-Books on Tablets"
From USA Today, "Former incarcerated student: Society owes men and women in prison chance to return whole"
From the Washington Post, "They send people to prison every day. Now, they are pledging to visit."
Also from the Washington Post, "Some of my proudest accomplishments happened in prison. How should I talk about them?"
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