These are busy times in the criminal justice arena and elsewhere, and I never have enough time to keep up with, let alone blog about, all the notable news and commentary that sentencing fans might find interesting. So, looking to cover a lot of ground quickly, here is a round-up of (mostly commentary) pieces that seem worth checking out.
From The Atlantic, "The Repurposing of the American Jail: Jails and prisons are becoming substance-abuse treatment facilities — even for those who haven’t been accused of a crime"
From The Appeal, "Ayanna Pressley Hopes The U.S. Can Reduce Its Prison Population By Over 80 Percent"
From The Hill, "Prison to proprietorship: The path to real second chances"
From the New York Times, "A Sad Last Gasp Against Criminal Justice Reform: Prosecutors and police should honor the will of the voters and implement long-overdue changes."
From Slate, "The Punishment Bureaucracy Has Nothing to Do With Justice"
From the Washington Post, "Algorithms were supposed to make Virginia judges fairer. What happened was far more complicated."
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