As detailed in this White House press release, titled "Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Executive Grants of Clemency," Prez Trump issued a set of notable clemency grants this evening. Here are the basics from the statement:
Today, President Donald J. Trump granted Full Pardons to 15 individuals and commuted part or all of the sentences of an additional 5 individuals.
Alfonso Costa — President Trump granted a full pardon to Alfonso Costa, a dentist from Pittsburgh...
Alfred Lee Crum — President Trump granted Alfred Lee Crum a full pardon....
Crystal Munoz — Today, President Trump commuted Crystal Munoz’s remaining term of supervised release, having previously commuted her sentence of incarceration after she had served 12 years in prison....
Tynice Nichole Hall — President Trump has commuted the remainder of Tynice Nichole Hall’s term of supervised release....
Judith Negron — President Trump has today commuted the remainder of Judith Negron’s term of supervised release....
Steve Stockman — Today, President Trump commuted the remaining prison sentence of Steve Stockman....
Duncan Hunter – At the request of many Members of Congress, President Trump granted a full pardon to Duncan Hunter....
Chris Collins – Today, President Trump granted a full pardon to Chris Collins, at the request of many Members of Congress....
Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean – Today, President Trump granted full pardons to Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean....
George Papadopoulos – Today, President Trump granted a full pardon to George Papadopoulos....
Alex van der Zwaan – Today, President Trump granted a full pardon to Alex van der Zwaan....
Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard – Today, President Trump granted full pardons to Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard....
Weldon Angelos – Today, President Trump granted a full pardon to Weldon Angelos....
Philip Lyman – Today, President Trump granted a full pardon to Philip Lyman....
Otis Gordon – Today, President Trump granted a full pardon to Otis Gordon....
Philip Esformes – Today, President Trump commuted the term of imprisonment of Philip Esformes, while leaving the remaining aspects of his sentence, including supervised release and restitution, intact.
Many of these names are high-profile, and I suspect some of these grants will generate a bit of controversy. I am particularly excited to see Weldon Angelos' name on this list. It was not that long ago that I was helping Weldon with his 2255 petition while he was incarcerated serving a ridiculous 55-year federal prison term for low-level marijuana dealing. A few years ago, Weldon was able to secure release from prison, and he has been using his freedom to advocate on behalf of other persons subject to draconian sentences. I am so pleased now he gets to do so without any of the still-onerous collateral consequences that flow from even a low-level drug conviction.
Here are headlines from a few early press reports about these grants:
From The Hill, "Trump pardons individuals charged in Russia probe, ex-GOP lawmakers"
From the New York Times, "Trump Pardons Two Russia Inquiry Figures and Blackwater Guards"
From the Washington Post, "Trump grants clemency to 20 people, including three GOP former members of Congress and two men convicted in the Russia probe"
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