Biden Administration stresses reentry in its new public safety efforts

I was intrigued to see that the new "strategy" to combat gun violence announced today by the White House includes significant discussion of reentry issues.  This fact sheet, titled "Biden-Harris Administration Announces Comprehensive Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gun Crime and Ensure Public Safety," includes a bunch of items under the heading "Help formerly incarcerated individuals successfully reenter their communities."  Here are the headings of items discussed thereunder:

Investments to help formerly incarcerated individuals find quality jobs. 

Expanding Federal Hiring of Formerly Incarcerated Persons.

Implementing “ban the box” policy.

Hiring Second Chance Act Fellow.

Leveraging tax credits to incentivize hiring of formerly incarcerated individuals. 

Addressing the housing needs of returning citizens. 

This extended CNN piece discusses the initiative more generally, providing this summary:

The crime prevention strategy institutes a number of measures among federal agencies and it also relies on allowing states to use American Rescue Plan dollars for more flexible applications, including hiring law enforcement above pre-pandemic levels or using the funds toward community violence intervention programs.

According to the White House, Biden's "Comprehensive Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gun Crime and Ensure Public Safety" will focus on five main pillars: stem the flow of firearms used to commit violence, including by holding rogue firearms dealers accountable for violating federal laws; support local law enforcement with federal tools and resources to help address summer violent crime; invest in evidence-based community violence interventions; expanding summer programming, employment opportunities, and other services and supports for teenagers and young adults; and help formerly incarcerated individuals successfully reenter their communities.

Via Mix ID 8247011
