Spotlighting yet another great array of essays at new Inquest website

I will again risk sounding like a broken record by blogging another time about the great new website Inquest, "a forum for advancing bold ideas to end mass incarceration in the United States."  Though I have previously highlighted over a dozen great essays posted in the first few weeks of the site, I must do another post to spotlight these additional new must-read pieces recently added:

From Renaldo Hudson, "Learning and Liberation: It’s no surprise we don’t want to give people a second chance, because too often we’re overwhelmed with being unforgiving."

From Schuyler Daum, "Maxed Out: Long a reflection of the American carceral system’s worst excesses, the supermax prison serves no just purpose and must cease to exist."

From Jane Bambauer, Sandra Mayson, Andrea Roth & Megan T. Stevenson, "Choosing Freedom: Would you rather have your wallet stolen on the street or spend two weeks in jail? How people answer this question can shed light on whether our detention policies make sense." By

"When You Hear Me, You Hear Us: Incarcerated as children, four gifted poets share their art, their experiences, and themselves."

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