
Senator Grassley talking up Senate vote on his SRCA bill along with any prison reform bill lacking sentencing reforms

"Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli, facing decades under guidelines, seeks prison sentence of 12-18 months

Entire First Circuit urges Supreme Court to revisit Harmelin's limits on Eighth Amendment challenges to extreme adult prison sentence

Trump White House expresses opposition to sentencing reform part of SRCA of 2017

New Buried Alive Project taking on LWOP sentences for federal drug offenses

"The State of the Death Penalty Decline"

SCOTUS finally resolves Jennings v. Rodriguez, ruling Ninth Circuit erred when deciding detained aliens have a statutory right to periodic bond hearings

Split California Supreme Court holds 50-year sentence for juve kidnapper violates the Eighth Amendment after Graham

At just what level of Dante's Inferno does modern ACCA jurisprudence reside?

Alabama joins Ohio as only modern state to truly botch an execution

"Divided Justice: Trends in Black and White Jail Incarceration 1990-2013"

SCOTUS takes up Alabama case concerning competency to be executed while again turning away post-Hurst capital challenges

"The Perverse Power of the Prosecutor"

Prez Trump reportedly "would love to have a law to execute all drug dealers here in America"

What a difference a DA can make: new Philly District Attorney taking new approach to juve lifer resentencings

"Solitary Troubles"

Contemplating the capital prosecution of Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz

Notable video from American Conservative Union: "Unshackled - America's Broken Justice System"

Interesting sentencing details as former Trump campaign official Rick Gates pleads guilty and faces significant prison time

Only one of three planned executions completed: Florida carries out death sentence, Texas Gov commutes at last minute, and Alabama misses deadline

"A Pound of Flesh: The Criminalization of Private Debt"

Florida Supreme Court finds that state's Miller fix statute to death with Eighth Amendment problems has Alleyne Sixth Amendment problem

How many of the execution scheduled today in Alabama, Florida and Texas will be completed?

"These guidelines exist in some kind of middle universe that I don't understand..."

Former federal judge explains how severe sentencing and mandatory minimums prompted his resignation

SCOTUS issues opinions on fees for prisoner suits and the impact of guilty pleas