
Looking at enduring challenges in Miller's application in Louisiana and elsewhere

Is criminal justice reform really "poised to take off in 2018"?

Interesting accounting of "Top Criminal-Justice Wins of 2017"

Wall Street Journal taking a close look at "Murder in America" while NYC hits a record low

Silk Road creator Ross Ulbricht raises notable sentencing issue in SCOTUS cert petition

"No Trump windfall for private prisons yet, but some bet on gains"

Garden State perspective on sex offender castration ... for no obvious reason

"Association of Childhood Blood Lead Levels With Criminal Offending"

Christmas season clemency headlines

Noting some notable SCOTUS petitions

Interesting (and sound?) outcome for juve who pled guilty to Slender Man stabbing

Making a space, yet again, for the airing of sentencing grievances this Festivus

Reviewing the "hope and skepticism" engendered by Prez Trump's Rubashkin commutation

Noting executions uncompleted in 2017

"Even Imperfect Algorithms Can Improve the Criminal Justice System"

"President Trump Commutes Sentence of Sholom Rubashkin" !?!?!

Lamenting that the "law descends into a ghoulish inferno" as it contemplates the execution of a condemned Alabama murderer

"Three ways conservatives can lead criminal justice reform"

Brennan Center provides its latest encouraging accounting of crime in 2017

Notably lenient Nebraska sex offense sentence reversed based on notably questionable judicial comments

"The Unconstitutionality of Criminal Jury Selection"

Notable account of notable application of death penalty in China

Remarkable Utah Supreme Court opinions debating due process rights (and originalism) in parole decision-making

"The Myth of the Playground Pusher: In Tennessee and around the country, 'drug-free school zones' are little more than excuses for harsher drug sentencing."

Another look at trend to prosecute some opioid overdose deaths as homicides