
"Federal Offenders Who Served in the Armed Forces"

BJS releases "Federal Justice Statistics, 2019" with immigration and drugs dominating federal dockets

Is it foolish to hope, after now 35 years, that Congress will soon fix the crack-powder federal sentencing disparity?

"Pathways to Success on Probation: Lessons Learned from the First Phase of the Reducing Revocations Challenge"

More executions postponed in Texas as SCOTUS considers religious liberty in death chamber

"How to be a Better Plea Bargainer"

Two states restarting their death machinery with Fall 2021 lethal injections scheduled for long-dormant execution chambers

"A crisis of undertesting: how inadequate COVID-19 detection skews the data and costs lives"

Notable survey results about violent crime perceptions and partisanship

"Open Prosecution"

"Staying Off the Sidelines: Judges as Agents for Justice System Reform"

Should I give up hoping Prez Biden will soon make long needed nominations to US Sentencing Commission?

Making the case for bringing back parole in Illinois and elsewhere

Still more great Inquest pieces, including a timely commentary on reproductive justice

Oregon Gov uses clemency power to give certain juve offenders opportunity for parole after non-retroactive statutory reform

Alabama completes execution of intellectually disabled man 30 years after his robbery/murder

"Data update: As the Delta variant ravages the country, correctional systems are dropping the ball (again)"

Notable (re)sentencing of another former Minnesota police officer for another notable homicide

"The policy lessons learned from the criminal justice system response to COVID-19"

Will guilty pleas and apology reduce odds that Nikolas Cruz is sentenced to death for Parkland school mass murder?

Rounding up some recent postings from Marijuana Law, Policy & Reform

New report examines aftermath of Baltimore's no-prosecution policy for minor drug possession and prostitution

"Plea Bargaining in the Shadow of a Retrial: Bargaining Away Innocence"

Recordings of "Understanding Drug Sentencing" symposium’s panels now available

Notable new essays in Brennan Center's "Punitive Excess" series focused on responding to violent crime and mandatory minimums